Clinic Hours
Monday & Thursday : 9:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday : 9:30am - 2:30pm

Dr Julie McClellan
Dr Julie McClellan graduated as a doctor from Monash University in 1996 with honours. She worked as a resident in Australia and the United Kingdom. In 2000 Julie gained both her Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
Julie has worked as a GP for over 20 years. Her areas of special interest are in women's health, perinatal mental health and lactation care. She regularly assists in breast cancer surgery at Cabrini Hospital. Julie also loves teaching and is employed as a medical educator at Eastern Victorian General Practice Training where she teaches young doctors training to be GPs.
Julie is married and has two great kids. When her children were babies, one was a cat napper and the other an insomniac! Julie still remembers how overwhelming and exhausting that first year of motherhood can be.
Outside of work, Julie loves theatre, travel and an unputdownable book.